
Coimbra, Portugal, August 2023.

  • Oliver
  • Saturday, Aug 26, 2023

Darkroom lith print on 5x7 inch Agfa Brovira BW 119 2.

Darkroom lith print on 5x7 inch Agfa Brovira BW 119 2.

Yesterday I started to test-print the first negs made on my August trip to Portugal. And I opened a box of this beautiful double weight paper. I used it for the first time yesterday and fell in love with it immediately. Unfortunately I have it just in this small size, but the tone and the grain and its behavior in the dev soup were just lovely (Moersch lith chemicals, dilution 35A+35B+1000water+D (a wee bit)).

Concerning the grain: This emerges from the lith printing and the paper, doesn’t stem from the negative. This neg was taken on a Fuji Acros 100 II and developed in Kodak D76, so grain is not an issue with this negative, it’s a creative variable induced by the process.

Small prints will be ok for the Portugal series since I decided to just take 50mm and 75mm lenses for a tighter perspective, so the prints shouldn’t be too big to transfer that perspective to the viewers. 5x7 inch is small, but I think I’ll just continue with this paper at least for the test prints, it’s such a treat.

Taken on Fuji Acros 100 II. Film developed in D76 (stock).