Manhatten skyline, January 2019. 20x24 inch darkroom lith print on Kodak Ektalure. Taken with a Cambo Wide and the Schneider-Kreuznach 58XL lens handheld on 4x5 inch Ilford HP5+. Seeing the cloud center over the skyline, I had to be fast - handheld, I got my Cambo Wide ready to catch the moment. No center filter, which helped for darkening the sky when printing, but - of course - that made the poles become underexposed and subject to dodging in the darkroom. But, hey, the neg came out nice and it’s one of the rare superwide pics that I’ve shot on holidays. I printed that 2 years ago for my brother on Fomatone MG 131, but I’ve always wanted to do it on Ektalure - works very well in my view.

Manhatten Skyline (Lith)
- Oliver
- Saturday, Jan 7, 2023
4x5 inch neg lith-printed on 20x24 Kodak Ektalure (scan unretouched).