Two darkroom lith prints done one-after-another on two different papers. At the bottom you see the base color of the papers, the strips have been put into the fix directly taken from the box. It is the most striking contrast I had in the last few weeks: On the left you see the brownish, fine-grained print on Agfa Record Rapid RRH 111 4, on the right it’s Brovira BEH 1 5, with that dilution of the developer being very grainy and a bit uneven in the way blacks build up. Working with those papers I really get excited seeing how the process welcomes behavior of the paper as a very important material in the process of getting the right final rendering of the image.

Lith Paper Comparison
- Oliver
- Sunday, Dec 4, 2022
Agfa Record Rapid RRH 111 4 (left) vs. Brovira BEH 1 5 (right).