
Plum Bloom

  • Marko
  • Monday, May 24, 2021

I have found serenity

I have found serenity

I got myself a new computer and a new backup solution so I went through my digital catalogue to do some cleanup (or at least I gave it a try).

I browsed through the pictures which I marked as my personal favorites and tried to find what they had in common. It was just a fun project to find out more about my biases when it comes to selecting pictures for prints. I spent hours looking for a pattern but couldn´t find one.

A few days later, after a long and tiring day at work, I looked at the pictures again and found out what they had in common. It was the feeling of serenity that they triggered in me. No extravagant composition, point of view, subject or fancy techniques are necessary to please me. It’s probably what I subconsciously try to put in my pictures and what hits when I am in the selection process.

not the worst bias.

Nikon FM2, 50mm Nikkor f5.6, Delta 400 developed in Caffenol